So I had higher goals then I could probably accomplish. What else is new? But I can still try right! Everyday, I think I should at least post something new for everyone to read. But then the day gets too busy and I forget. Then the other day I was able to talk to Ian, (he has been gone for about 3 weeks) and he said that he looks at the site a few times a day just to look at the pictures. So then the guilt set in... and now I am recommitting to posting more.
We all have been keeping busy around here. Here is a little about what each of us have been up to...
Like I said Ian has been gone for about 3 weeks, but will be coming home on Monday. YEAH! Unfortunately he will not be home long enough, his ship will be deploying for the Persian Gulf mid March for Seven months. When Ian is around, besides working, and spending time with us, he has been enjoying fishing. Though I think he is crazy in this cold of weather.Garrett is playing basketball for the first time this year. He loves it. Today he had a game and made his first basket during a game. He was so excited after it went through the net, he literally screamed in excitement! It was very thrilling.
Garrett is in the 2nd grade this year and doing really good. He was given an award last week in school for making the world a better place. Which he really does! He is a great helper and sensitive kid. If only he could just listen a little better. Maybe with time.Aspen is a Girl Scout. And you know what that means...COOKIES! I don't think that needs much other explanation, but it is that time of year. So we have been keeping busy with pre sales. Today she was able to attend a cookie rally to make signs and get more excited about the coming weeks. It was a 'red carpet' event so she got to dress like a star for the day. My friend, Janelle came over and did her hair and make up. She felt very special.
Aspen is in the 1st grade this year, and getting really good at reading. She has always been quite a bit behind her peers, but over the past couple months, she has really doing very well in school. Lydia is a sweet, mischievous trouble maker. She has always been a very good kid, and she still is for the most part, but with turning 2 this last month, she is starting to push the limits and test what she can and cannot get away with.
Lydia has never really been much of a talker. She has very few words in her vocabulary, so I guess that is why it is so cute to see her say cheese whenever she sees a camera close by. You can tell in all the pictures of her this last few weeks.Tilden has been sick this week. He finally got what the rest of us have been dealing with. But, he is still just as sweet as ever. He is 7 1/2 months now, and gets around great. He is just starting to pull himself up on things, and for the first time (and only time) I caught him standing up to his toy basket. He had gotten there all by himself. Of course by the time I got the camera, he had fallen, But that's okay, I propped him back up, and snapped a few cute pictures.
I feel like I spend most of my days just running is circles, doing everything and nothing all at the same time. Most of the time things run pretty smoothly, but having Ian gone so much, it can be draining taking care of all the things a family our size demands. I have gotten to be really good friends with one of my neighbors, Janelle her husband and Ian actually work together. When our husbands are gone it has been nice to have another adult around to talk to and cook dinners together. She has a son about a month older than Tilden, so it is fun watching them grow up together. I try to scrapbook a little every week, but it is hard to get in that creative zone when there are so many other things to worry about. But I will never stop trying. What's wrong with a frozen pizza for dinner once a week? Okay maybe twice a week sometimes? Soon I will start posting projects that I have completed, and some things that I am working on. I always have a few in the works.
Okay so maybe this post makes up for the last week, but hopefully I can do better this coming week!
8 years ago