Last weekend Aspen had the opportunity to attend a Girl Scout Camp. It was 3 days of fun and adventure....with a lot of silly mixed in I'm sure! She loves being a "Brownie" and is excited for the start of another year or Girl Scouting. While she was at camp, she had lots of fun learning to canoe. She also learned archery, she didn't talk about it much, so I dont know how much she liked that. But I love the pictures. I asked her why she was wearing shorts over pants....and she said without a though, "they told us to dress in layers, because it was going to get cold that night." I am thankful to get pictures from it, as I was not there. Thanks to her GREAT leaders for all they do for the troop!
8 years ago
Aspen is getting so big she is an inspiration to me and kim good job on making my time out here seem so much easier.
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